Challenging assumptions is the basis of our research process

At Yummygum we’re passionate about driving our design decisions by verification of actual users. Our in-house UX Design team makes sure that we do, as well as advocating our clients to do the same.

A UX Designer is nowhere without a proper understanding of its target audience. It’d be a shame if all of the team’s hard work would result in a product your user doesn’t want to use.

There are numerous ways to go about researching your target audience in the form of interviewing and online research. However the question you must ask yourself first is “Who are our users?” What do they like, what gets them out of bed in the morning, and what’s something that would really frustrate them?

Our small team of UX Designers are all educated and experienced in performing user research.
We’re excited to tell you more about our approach.

Some user research methods we use

Unstructured Interview

Having a (casual) conversation with someone face to face can be a good way to empathize with the users’ frustrations, needs and motivations.

Ecosystem analysis

Understanding the indirect environment of a user helps paint a broader picture of their touch points and influences. We do this by creating a massive mind map to encapsulate this data.

Ethnographic field study

Visiting users in their own environment is the best way to get to know them. Designing an app for going to the movies? Go find your users at a cinema.

Communication of insights

Since usually not everyone in the design team is involved in the research process, it is important to be able to communicate your insights properly. We handle this in the form of tools. The most well known example of this is probably the User Persona which summarizes key learnings about the target audience in a quick reference format. When that hand-off moment comes, it is important that you don’t bombard your team with all of your findings, however trim them down to about 3-5 key findings.

User stories

The most important deliverable coming out of this phase are user stories. These tell us exactly in what situation a user needs something, and why. This will summarize the users’ goals and can make for a good feature checklist when setting up the information architecture of the product.

Main takeaways

  • Validate assumptions!

  • Focus on the outcomes of your research, not the pretty tools you used to get there.

  • Keep the hand-off to team members clear and concise.

  • Fight clients’ bias.

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