Become a unique player in a big data world
The Spider Strategies marketing website leveled up after we applied our research driven process. With a modern yet reliable look-and-feel Spider Strategies increased their incoming leads.
Spider Strategies have been building trustworthy applications for more than a decade, and its clientele proves their prowess. The marketing website was not matching up with the transparent and open character the company has, something that makes them unique in their industry. A clear new goal.
Finding the balance between a transparent, modern, agile software company and a trustworthy, data-driven organisation is a challenge in itself. The goal was to avoid being seen as a startup, and have a low friction conversion flow.
The seamless collaboration between the client, our design team and dev squad made this project a success. As we kept communication lines short we organised tiny (async) workshops, analysed the eco-system and market, determined a future proof visual style direction and build a website in a stack defined by our client.
The foundation of the project was built with UX research and thorough conversations. This research allowed us to define a style direction that matched up with the goals of the client, turning it into a gorgeous design for both mobile and desktop. Our flexible dev process allowed us to build the website in the tech stack chosen by our client, and reaching Lighthouse scores of 98+.
Yummygum makes things that look amazing, but their ability to really dig into the underlying problem is what impresses me.
Scott O’Reilly
Co-Founder - Spider Strategies
Colors & typography
Geometric, grotesque, sans-serif typefaces to fit in with the style direction. From four typefaces that matched the style and Spider Strategies' brand values we landed on Calibre for its versatility and approachable yet serious look. Paired with a comprehensive but balanced color palette the typeface would form the groundwork for the new website.
Merging two products into one
One of the content challenges we faced was merging two products into one, and keeping it easy to digest for users. Our UX Researchers found the perfect way to combine two brands into one and with the right content and job stories it was easy to process the change.
A human touch to balance business
Essential for Spider Strategies was to ensure the website was a direct portrait of the people at Spider Strategies, who are friendly, social and open. This aspect makes an appearance on specific sections of the website.
Building with a minimal tech stack
A huge preference of Spider Strategies was to build the website on a proven tech stack without too many bells and whistles that bloat and slow down a project. Our dev squad adopted to this request and build a blazing fast website that scores amazingly high on SEO and Lighthouse performance.