- A tightknit team of focused individuals
- Work with modern tech stacks
- Relaxed office hours
- Unlimited potential for growth
- € 400 / month
Being a Front-end Development intern
As a Front-End Development Intern you join the Development team as you make the most enticing designs come to life and then some.
That very same team you're part of is continuously in close contact with the Visual Design team to make sure their designs are implemented meticulously.
Your average day consists of picking up issues and coming up with ingenious ways to code components to be as neat as possible. Of course this is all done with a super duper modern tech stack that might just exists of TypeScript, React, Vue.js, GraphQL, GSAP and more.
While some days might be more about learning to code according to ESLint and Stylelint conventions, other days are more about getting aquianted with Design Tokens and testing your Components with Storybook. Git version control is incorporated into your daily routine. Whether you're committing, reviewing a Pull Request or playing a game of foosball you learn something new every day.